The origins of the Christian Century, 1884-1914: A climate of optimism
The Christian Century emerged from rather humble origins. It started as just another local denominational publication speaking for the Disciples of Christ in Des Moines, Iowa, and surrounding regions. Those connected with its founding chose the name Christian Oracle for the journal and adopted the motto “Speak as the Oracles of God.”

Modern and postmodern forms of unbelief: Gods Funeral.ByA. N. Wilson. Norton, 402 pp., $27.95.
God’s Funeral, by A. N. Wilson...

Jesus and history, the believer and the historian: TheElusive Messiah:A Philosophical Overview of the Quest for the Historical Jesus.By Raymond Martin. Westview, 236 pp., $25.00.
The Elusive Messiah: A Philosophical Overview of the Quest for the Historical Jesus, by Raymond Martin...

Being Reformed
The Reformed Family Worldwide: A Survey of Reformed Churches, Theological Schools, and International Organizations, edited by Jean-Jacques Bauswein and Lukas Visher...
Film picks of ’99
Bringing Out the Dead, director Martin Scorcese’s frenetic examination of three days in the life of a paramedic, is easily my choice for the best film of 1999....
The Christian century: Take two: A living tradition the century mark
Are you going to change the name of the magazine in the year 2000? That’s a question we’ve heard often in recent months....
Who is a person?
Two of the most powerful intellectual and social forces in our culture are the hard sciences and capitalist economics. Together they have conspired to produce images of personhood that undermine Christian understandings....
Dental work
Four decades ago, when I began to write this column, my assignment was to “lighten up” the magazine by gently poking fun at the foibles and follies of the mainstream and all the other religious streams. But times have changed....
Who is like thee?: Isaiah 40:21-31
Isaiah is a master at putting God and humankind in perspective.