Reporting on Satan: Devil worship in Kenya?
Kenyans were sent reeling by a report made public in September by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Cult of Devil Worship in Kenya. Reactions range from ridicule to alarm. Others wonder what the real reasons are behind the sudden release of the report after four years of delay and secrecy.

Luther as skeptic
Martin Luther: The Christian Between God and Death, by Richard Marius...

Siding with the Arians
When Jesus Became God: The Epic Fight over Christ's Divinity in the Last Days of Rome, by Richard E. Rubenstein...

Israel’s covenant
O Jerusalem! The Contested Future of the Jewish Covenant, by Marc H. Ellis...

Too much irony
For Common Things: Irony, Trust and Commitment in America Today, by Jedediah PurdySoul of a Citzen: Living with Conviction in a Cynical Time, by Paul Rogat Loeb...

Ending hunger
Grace at the Table, by David Beckmann and Art Simon...

Listening to the text
The David Story: A Translation with Commentary of 1 and 2 Samuel, by Robert Alter...

Suffering and doctrine
Embracing Travail: Retrieving the Cross Today, by Cynthia S. W. Crysdale...

Institutional ties
Loose Connections: Joining Together in America's Fragmented Communities, by Robert Wuthnow...

The new orthodoxy?
Radical Orthodoxy: A New Theology, edited by John Milbank, Catherine Pickstock and Graham Ward...

An assault and a healing
Working with Available Light: A Family's World after Violence, by Jamie Kalven...

A dark thread runs through it
More Matter: Essays and Criticism, by John Updike...

Resistance and reconstruction
The Cambridge Companion to Liberation Theology, edited by Christopher Rowland...

Updated pastoral care
The Pastor as a Moral Guide, by Rebekah L. Miles...

Christology ‘from below’
Jesus: Symbol of God, by Roger Haight, S.J....
Cuban initiative
From a trip to Havana in the fall of 1980, I returned with two small statues of African female warriors, one with a machete, the other carrying a rifle....
Immodest visions: Millennial hopes
Ten years ago this month, the Berlin Wall was breached. Within months the once monolithic world of the Soviet bloc was dismantled and the claims of Karl Marx decisively discredited....
One good teacher
We buried a fine teacher the other day. He was not a scintillating lecturer, nor was he a particularly exciting person....
Texas miracle
A reader from Texas sent us a copy of a letter issued by a church summer camp: "Dear Parent(s): As you were aware, yesterday we went to the Mary T. Meager Aquatic Center....