Speaking up for public schools: What churches can do
The saints are in retreat. Faced by what they consider moral as well as academic breakdown, some evangelical leaders are calling on Christians to withdraw their children from public schools and place them in private religious academies--or better yet--teach them at home. "Exodus 2000," they call it. And for those who miss the exodus, they have a backup plan: "Rescue 2010."
Judging Clinton: The religious debate
Do christian leaders have anything distinctive to say--or avoid saying--about the scandal in the White House and the impeachment of Bill Clinton? Though the issue is less pressing now that judgment day has come and gone in the U.S. Senate, questions about what is private and what is public conduct by political leaders--and about how and when such leaders can be forgiven for their trespasses in either realm--are not likely to go away.

Persuasion and discernment: The gifts of leadership

Styles of giving

Unweaving the Rainbow, by Richard Dawkins

The Religious Art of Andy Warhol, by Jane Daggett Dillenberger