The Annual Christian Century Lecture, 2024

Image of Emilie Townes

Premeditated Indifference

Facing (In)Justice with the Power of Hope

with Emilie M. Townes

How did we get ourselves into such deep divisions? Rather than turn away from the challenges this question poses, we can face them with hope—as both solace for our soul and a call to action in our public witness. How can we engage others and the creation with care, compassion, respect, and love? How can we think together to turn this around?

After 11 years as dean and faculty member at Vanderbilt Divinity School, theologian Townes has joined the faculty of Boston University School of Theology as the Martin Luther King Jr. Professor of Religion and Black Studies. 

Note: This is an in-person only event.

Thursday, October 24, 2024, 7 p.m.

Registration fee: $50

Dessert bar and reception will follow the lecture.

Arts Club of Chicago, 201 E. Ontario, Chicago


Or send a check payable to:

The Christian Century, 104 S. Michigan Ave., Suite 1100, Chicago, IL 60603

Questions? Call (312) 263-7510 ext. 229 or e-mail us.
