Trump the savior-king

The president, just as the Christian Reconstructionists intended, sits at the top of a violent system as the mouthpiece of a silent, abusive God.

In This Issue

Poems for a difficult life of faith

Like Paul, Spencer Reece has journeyed to see what he would suffer as a servant of Christ.

The imitation of the Spirit

Christians are taught to practice imitatio Christi, empowered by the Holy Spirit. What if we flipped this narrative?

The story of Richmond’s “cathedral of the Confederacy”

Christopher Graham’s book focuses on the racism of one Virginia congregation. It will challenge all those who cause harm in the name of virtue.

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Poems for a difficult life of faith

Like Paul, Spencer Reece has journeyed to see what he would suffer as a servant of Christ.

Trump the savior-king

The president, just as the Christian Reconstructionists intended, sits at the top of a violent system as the mouthpiece of a silent, abusive God.


Trump the savior-king

The president, just as the Christian Reconstructionists intended, sits at the top of a violent system as the mouthpiece of a silent, abusive God.

God cares about people, not what you call the West Bank

A US House committee will now use the biblical names Judea and Samaria. The point is to frame a political conflict as a religious war.

Criticize J. D. Vance’s ordo amoris comments all you want—but please, leave Jews out of it

Christian responses that appeal to the gospels have misrepresented both the biblical texts and Jewish ethnocentrism.

An ungovernable faith

By refusing to swear oaths, 16th-century Anabaptists took away the state’s primary tool for control.