Guest Post

Wisdom become flesh, spirit roars, life transformed

What's the gospel in seven words? We asked theologians, pastors and others both to answer this question and to
expand on this in a few sentences. To see all the responses together as they're posted, bookmark this page. Add your own version here. --Ed.

become flesh, spirit roars, life transformed.

God's all-encompassing love enters the world in the
person of Jesus Christ, through the power of the Spirit. This love heals and
forgives us, renews the cosmos and calls us to a conversion from sinful
attitudes and practices to share in the divine life. In Jesus Christ God gives
the gift of Godself, offering light amidst darkness and inviting a response of
faith, hope and love. The Spirit comes to dwell in our hearts, empowering our

Leo D. Lefebure

Leo D. Lefebure teaches theology at Georgetown University and is the author of Transforming Interreligious Relations: Catholic Responses to Religious Pluralism in the United States (Orbis Books).

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