
Psalm 46:5, in which they come for the body

They are coming for the body; a nurse certifies
That who she was is no longer resident in what
She was, selah. They turn out to be one woman.
Her name is Helene. Selah. She eases what was
A woman onto a gurney. A daughter assists her.
Though the waters roar and be troubled, we will
Not fear, though the mountains vanish in the sea.
Selah. Would you like your mother to be facing
Up or down? Up, please, selah. She zips the bag.
She did believe, yes she did, selah, she received
The glories of the Lord each and every day with
Her eyes which remained hawkish until her final
Breath. Is that so? says Helene, selah. Transplant
Candidates, then, certainly. Sign here . . . and here.
I will drive very carefully, absolutely. His mercy
Upon her soul, selah. She trusted in thee. Refuge
She will discover in thee, and her husband’s arm,
And her mother’s kiss, and all calamities are past,
Selah, and housekeeping will come for the sheets.
God is in the midst of her, and God shall help her.
There is a river; the waters of which have no end;
Amen and then again amen. In the lobby a father
Is reading the sports section while his child gulps
The biggest soda I have ever seen on this blessed
Wild and weary earth; amen and then again amen.