In the Lectionary

April 2, Palm Sunday A (Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29; Matthew 21:1-11)

In the Palm Sunday narrative, all the signs are there: something big is about to happen.

Read the author's reflection on Passion Sunday.

One doesn’t need to be an especially astute observer or pious participant in the local congregation to know that this Sunday is coming. Even those who’ve not been around since Christmas know what it means when they show up at church and there’s purple on the altar, or there are midweek worship services on the calendar, or the neighborhood parish is hosting weekly fish fries. Soon there’ll be bulletin announcements about purchasing lilies. And then worshipers are issued a palm frond and invited to wave it during a real or symbolic procession denoting Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

Similarly, one didn’t need to be an especially pious resident of Jerusalem on the day of that entry to recognize what it means that a reputed prophet is making his way into town on a donkey (and a colt!) while people shout “Hosanna!” and lay coats and palm branches in his path. Knowing the Psalter, as many faithful residents did, the symbolism of Psalm 118 cannot be missed.