
Transformed by the dog I never wanted

She’s helping me answer the question, “Why this life instead of another?”

I did not want a dog. Life with almost-grown children and a quiet house seemed idyllic. Work early, long bike rides in the afternoon, a little art, long lunches with my spouse. Every so often she would ask about getting a dog and I would say no. Life was full and good.

But then something else started to grow. The quiet crept from peace to an almost scraping. I often kept the TV on most of the day just to feel like someone was there. And the house seemed so big now.

So when she asked again about getting a dog, a few months into COVID, I hemmed and nodded and thought, yeah, someday. Some life to fill the big, quiet house might be nice . . . someday. I was open now—and COVID soon created the space to bring in a puppy.